Saturday, March 15, 2014

002 - P-51B/U.S.A./267-36769/26th F.S. 51st F.G./Col. “Tex Hill”/Cina 1945

The model is from Revell, a german company. It is an all right kit with sub-alar rockets that characterize it.

The coloration consists of olive drab for the upper part of the fuselage and grey for the lower part, with shark mouth, red estens and yellow stripe to give more spice to this aircraft.

This aircraft was stationed in china in 1945 in Kunning and it was piloted by Colonel Davil Lee nicknamed "Tex Hill" ; already pilot on P-40s "Flying Tigers" of A.V.G. (American Volunteer Group).

This kit which has been which has been assembled by me a few years ago is completely done with paint brush.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

001 - P-51D /U.S.A/"Fool's Paradise IV"/363° F.G. 9° A.F./England 1944

The First model of this collection counldn't be anything but the P-51D of the 363rd FG-9th Air Force, 413309 - A9A located in Ingland in the 1944 with the nickname "Fool's Paradise IV", which is nontheless the first kit ever produced by Airfix in the 50's.

I haven't found any hystorical information concerning the colours of this model, but my collection is equiped to bare with various possibilities.

In fact there are two suggested ways of painting this aircraft:
One that i've found on the internet with blue spinner and a part of the fuselage in Olive Drab, with classic invasion stripes on fuselage and wings.

I'm going to produce this variant along with the one suggested on the Airfix kit which consists of a full natural metal fuselage, yellow spinner and anti-reflection panel in Olive Drab.

This kit, being so old is pretty ugly, is made in positive with non fitting parts and imperfections.
Hence i consider it as a collection piece and to make the model I substituted it with a Hasegawa Kit from the 70's.

I just want to mention that I'm more of a collectionist than a modeller since i prefer a fabric look to the aircraft compared to a diorama like look.

Maurizio Valerani

000 - Introduction

The legend continues !!!

Today the p-51 and its variants with all of its glorious features keep living in this website thanks to an ever growing collection of models that shows this plane in all of its glory.

For decade the astonishing sound of the fierce Packard Merlin has echoed in the ether, first in various conflicts and now with the Survivors, building an immaginary bridge between past and present.

This website has the purpose of re-enact, with vatious types of model kits or customly constructed models, the highest possible numbers of this plane.
I'm also going to ask for your help to make this colection grow, infact an entire section of the web site will be dedicated to your models, which are going to be featured in the Community's Model section.

The project is so ambitious and like pieces of a mosaic that make an opera, every little piece its going to slowly make the collection grow.
You will be able to add standard kits, or dioramas, plain or older looking models, your choice.

Personally I'm going to do only 1/72 models with all of my personally crafted decals and years spent searching for as many models as possible.
After Inglewood and Dallas I'm finally going to craft P-51s too!

The english version of the website is edited by my son Alessandro which i personally thank for his patience and effort.

To end I want to thank all of you who are going to take part in this great adventure !!

Maurizio Valerani